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Join us in impacting the lives of 10,000 children and youth!

Communities In Schools of the Dallas Region relies upon donor support to provide services across our 15 school districts. By making a gift today, you will make it possible for a student to achieve greater academic success and receive critical mental health services.

Students that we serve are recognized as high-need, as determined by partner school districts, campuses and their staff. We develop a case management plan for every individual student, tailored to what it is they need most– from academic tutoring in a difficult subject, to mentorship and counseling during a particularly challenging time, to testing support that will enable the student to access college. We work with partnering non-profits across the community to deliver wraparound services or provide professional care. Through this work, we see our students continue in their education, progress from grade to grade and graduate, giving them the opportunity of a bright future. Your dollars make this program possible and we thank you for trusting us and investing in us to deliver these services.


We're celebrating 40 years of
surrounding students with a
community of support, empowering
them to stay in school and
achieve in life.

Donate Today!

Please note that your employer may match your giving. To learn if your company participates in a matching program, please email us at as you make your gift, and we can confirm and provide the necessary next steps. If you are interested in our gift planning program or making a gift to our endowment, please click here.

Communities In Schools of the Dallas Region adheres to the Donor Bill of Rights as outlined by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP). Reprinted with permission.