The Communities In Schools of the Dallas Region Foundation was founded in 2003 by Alon USA with an initial gift of $1 million. The Foundation operates as a nonprofit organization to provide financial support and long-term stability to expand services to address the needs of under-served students in the Dallas community. Because the Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization, individuals, entities and corporations that contribute to the Foundation receive tax benefits.

Giving Opportunities
Gifts of Cash
Many gifts to the Foundation are in cash. Cash gifts may be made outright or pledged for payment spanning one to five years. For the accuracy of your records and those of the Foundation, pledges should be made in writing by the use of a pledge card.
Gifts of Securities
Appreciated securities include publicly traded or closely held (private) stock that has escalated in market value since purchase. Corporate, tax-exempt, and zero-coupon bonds are also valuable marketable securities. A donor may donate stock then repurchase it at the current market value.
Gifts of Property
A gift of appreciated property, such as securities and real estate, is a powerful way of deriving benefits for Communities In Schools and the donor. Not only does Communities In Schools receive a gift of property, but the donor can take significant income tax deductions. With respect to long-term capital gain securities or real property, the donor can attain income tax deductions equal to the fair market value of the gift on the date of the gift and also avoid income tax on any capital gain built into the property.
Named Memorial Gifts and Living Tributes
Gifts to the Foundation in memory of individuals and living tributes require no minimum dollar amount. They may honor an individual or family and help sustain Communities In Schools.
Matching Gifts
Matching gifts multiply the benefits to the Communities In Schools of the Dallas Region Foundation. Hundreds of corporations will match gifts made by their employees and associates. Please check with your Human Resources Coordinator to determine if your employer sponsors such a program.

Giving Levels
The Founder’s Circle
The Founder’s Circle recognizes individuals who have contributed $1 million or more to the Foundation. ALON USA is the inaugural member of the Founder’s Circle.
Benefactor’s Circles
Members of the Foundation Benefactor’s Circles are individuals who have contributed more than $25,000. There are three cumulative giving levels listed within the Benefactor’s Circles:
- Trustee’s Circle $500,000-$999,999
- Sustainer’s Circle $100,000-$499,999
- Challenger’s Circle $25,000-$99,999
Foundation Annual Gift Recognition
To honor gifts to the Foundation, Communities In Schools has initiated five annual giving levels:
- Inaugural Level $500-$999
- Friend’s Level $1,000-$2,499
- Ambassador’s Level $2,500-$4,999
- Director’s Level $5,000-$9,999
- President’s Level $10,000 – $24,999
*Gifts under $500 directly support the Communities In Schools of the Dallas Region, Inc. general operating fund. Gifts of all types will be considered on an individual basis.
For more information on the Communities In Schools of the Dallas Region Foundation, please contact us at
Communities In Schools of the Dallas Region adheres to the Donor Bill of Rights as outlined by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP). Reprinted with permission.