In 2002, CISDR began providing on-site mentorship in STEM while empowering the lives of an extremely vulnerable population of kids. In the last fifteen years, we have not only been battling the effects of poverty, educational inequity, and student social isolation on children and families but also the achievement gap in STEM left by budget cuts, failing schools, and education policies. Through our unique corporate partnerships and their STEM resources, beginning at a young tender age, we help participants get lab exposure and the skills and knowledge they need to awaken interest.
Our aim is to not only foster children into STEM fields, but also to increase and jump-start careers in historically under-served communities, thus improving their chances to compete for careers or jobs in a 21st century knowledge-based economy. We know that even if the youth that we serve don’t pursue careers in science and related fields, they will still be better prepared academically for the future economy by being well versed in STEM skills. We teach children the first-hand relationships between basic science and practical real-world applications through STEM curriculum in: health, medicine, sports, technology, finance, aerospace, robotics, design, etc. CISDR activities are meant to inspire children and regularly reconfirm their commitment and excitement to STEM-related skills and achievement.