4S Advisory Council Members
This campaign would not be possible without its leadership. We recognize our Advisory Council as our 4S Champions, who make these additional services and programs possible.
Brint Ryan, 4S Campaign Chair
- Nancy Best
- Froswa’ Booker-Drew, PhD
- Sarah Losinger
- Lynn McBee
- Bob Mong
- Paul Stephens
- Madhukar Trivedi, M.D
- Freddy Vaca
- Gretchen Minyard Williams
4S Campaign Priorities
Expansion of Clinical Services
The 4S Campaign allows for the expansion of our team, development of curriculum, and delivery of prevention and intervention services. Led by our Chief Clinical Officer, a team of six will support our schools and districts, delivering training and responding to incidents that are immediate. This ensures our 10,000 students we serve will have direct access and prospective counseling by our licensed and trained staff.
Expansion of Case Management Services Into New Schools
CIS Dallas receives numerous requests to serve new schools and campuses, but without additional revenue, we are limited in our ability to respond. The 4S campaign will raise needed funds to expand our efforts into new schools and districts to ensure those that request our services may receive them. Our Site Coordinators, who case manage individual students and provide campus-wide activities and trainings, will provide support for the campus staff and counselors who need more support than ever to meet student needs.
Youth Mental Health First Aid
The relationship built and maintained between a Site Coordinator and their students is key to success — but students have to be referred to Communities In Schools before they join the program, and so it’s crucial we identify those students in need as early as possible. With Mental Health First Aid training, we train teachers, coaches and educators to identify the warning signs and causes of concern with their students. Those who have graduated from our evidence-based intervention training serve as a critical resource in our school community to identify students needing support.
Endowment Growth
Invest in the future of Communities In Schools as our leadership team focuses on broad expansion across North Texas, putting more Site Coordinators on more campuses to reach more students. Investment in the endowment allows the leadership team to focus on what really matters — our students.
Our students need your support. Please join us in making our schools the “safe place” our students need and deserve. Donate to help us continue expanding our services across the region.
4S In the Headlines
Straight From Our Blog: 4S and Mental Health Highlights
”The impact this group is making on the students they serve is tremendous … Raising this money allows [Communities In Schools] to have a presence in more schools, and in turn, reach more students who need help in the Dallas area.
Brint Ryan, 4S Campaign ChairFounder, Chairman and CEO Ryan LLC