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We're celebrating 40 years of
surrounding students with a
community of support, empowering
them to stay in school and
achieve in life.


Winter Drive Continues

Give the gift of a warm coat, hat, and gloves
to help students stay warm and healthy!
All wish list items will be shipped to us for distribution.


5-Year Strategic Plan

Learn about our Strategic Plan
and how you can get involved!


Youth Mental Health First Aid

You heard us correctly!
Youth Mental Health First Aid
Certification Training
Is now FREE to community members


Do You Know A Student
Who Could Benefit From
CIS Programming?

Fill Out A Recommendation Form Today


Our Model

Learn All About The Services Offered At
Communities In Schools of the Dallas Region


The mission of Communities In Schools of the Dallas Region is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.


On the campuses where we serve, 72% of students are economically disadvantaged. Of the students we served in 2023/24, 5% are homeless, 29% have limited English proficiency, 6% failed a course the previous year, and 31% failed a state-wide benchmark test.


In partnership with local school districts, we provide daily school based interventions to students in grades K–12 to address academic failure, truancy, behavioral issues, social service needs and more.


It is a fun and rewarding way to have a positive impact on the life of a child.

Each year, CIS Dallas works with more than 1,000 corporate and community volunteers who provide thousands of hours of service to our students and their families.